Jason & Saida's Mission Trip to Guatemala (June 25-30, 2016)

“Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless…” Isaiah 1:17

Have you ever felt God calling you to something bigger than yourself?

For Saida and I, we got that feeling two years ago. We had just lost our baby girl Isabela (she was still born), and honestly, we were hurting. A friend of ours, Melissa Montana, had invited us to participate in a missions trip to Guatemala. We knew we wanted to go, but the timing just wasn’t right.

Fast forward to today: 2016. In the midst of a ton of questions about how we could make it happen, and faced with several potential obstacles that could hold us back, we decided to take a leap of faith and go on the missions trip to Guatemala. 

The trip is a joint missions trip with Christian radio station Star 88.3 and Compassion International, a Christian organization dedicated to ministering to children in poverty throughout the world.

Why Guatemala?

With Saida being from Guatemala, it’s a country that is very near to both of our hearts. It’s a Spanish-speaking country that has seen tragedy like earthquakes, war and violence, but is also a beautiful country with beautiful people and a rich culture. It has experienced poverty, but more recently has also seen God’s blessings.

Why Compassion?

Compassion is an organization that we love. I’ve been sponsoring children through Compassion since I was in high school. Now, we sponsor children together as a married couple. Kayongo was from Uganda. I started sponsoring him when we was only 8 years old. When he turned 21, he graduated from the program. Now we sponsor Charles, also from Uganda, and together with a guys Bible Study group, we sponsor Evandro from Guatemala. 

Why Star 88.3?

Many years ago when Saida heard that radio personality Melissa Montana had adopted a baby girl from Guatemala, she was intrigued and decided to reach out to her. They quickly became friends and Saida even baby sat for Melissa’s daughter Lashay. Melissa has returned to Guatemala several times, helping the orphanage and ministry there led by Compassion. We love the idea that we’ll be able to go to Guatemala (a country we love) to help children in need (a cause we love), and go with such special people!

Why are we letting you know?

We’re letting you know because you are somebody that we know and love. And also because, honestly, we need you. Remember how we mentioned that this is something way bigger than ourselves? Well, we can’t do this alone, and we’re raising up a support team—a team of people that will be our prayer warriors and financial partners—to help make it happen. 

I love that we’re all part of the Body of Christ (I actually just taught about that today in my Sunday School class!). We may all have different rolls, but when we work together, beautiful, life-changing things can happen for the Kingdom! Some are “senders” and others are “do-ers” and “go-ers.” We’ve been blessed to be senders in the past, but now it’s our turn to go and do.

How can you help?

Well, thanks for asking! Like I mentioned, we’re looking for prayer warriors and we’re looking for people who’d like to be our financial partners. Please consider one or both. If you'd like to donate, please do so before Wednesday, June 8, 2016. Thank you!!

THANK YOU for your prayers and donations!

We were going to use a site like GoFundMe, but they charge 5% + the credit card processing is another 2.9% (plus $0.30 per transaction). But, by accepting donations here, all we have to cover is the credit card processing fees!

Motivated by the love of Jesus,

Jason & Saida Hemsoth


[email protected]

PS: If you'd rather donate by sending a check, please do so by making the check out to Jason & Saida Hemsoth and send to: 493 W. Woodland Dr., Warsaw, IN 46582. Thank you!!