My First Gallery Show!

January 17, 2017  •  3 Comments

Jason and Saida Hemsoth at The Gallery in Warsaw.Jason and Saida Hemsoth at The Gallery.That's my beautiful wife, Saida, and I in front of one of my two volcano photos from Guatemala. As a photographer, one the best things about my job is when other people see my work and I know that they liked an image and appreciated all the hard work that went into creating it. Sometimes a few people get to see a photo, and other times it's a huge number of people. I get to showcase my work online, in albums and in prints. But today, my work is in somewhere for the first time. For the month of January, I have four photographs on display in an art gallery!

The gallery is locally owned and operated by Marc and Juli Eckel, and is simply called The Gallery. It features monthly exhibits featuring the work of professional artists in various mediums and styles. This month Marc wanted to feature local photographers. I was super excited when Marc asked me if I wanted to participate! You have to head to downtown Warsaw to check it out! (Until you see it in person, visit them online at

In the exhibit, you'll see work from these five local professional photography studios: Blosser's Photo Design Center, Bob List Photography, Cox Studio, Signature Studios Photography, and of course me, Jason Hemsoth Photography.

It was such an honor for me to be chosen to participate in the exhibit. It's really cool to be included with other great photographers that are all doing stellar work! Here are a few photos from the exhibit, but you HAVE to go experience it for yourself! And tell them Jason sent you! :)

Brothers portraits in Warsaw, IN.Brothers being brothersI love this photo of these two brothers! I love the joy evident in their faces! (Oh, and they just happen to be my nephews!) Photography Exhibit in Warsaw, Indiana.Photography Exhibit Here in WarsawThe Gallery is a great place for anyone who loves art or is interested in learning more about art.

Wedding photography and bridal portraitsBridal PortraitHere's a bridal portrait in Winona Lake. A beautiful summer day makes for perfect backdrop to get married!

Thank you Marc and Juli for putting this exhibit together and for all that you do for the community and the arts! It's a blessing to have you and your family here in Warsaw! Keep up the great work!

Support The Gallery by visiting and following them online: Website & Facebook

To see more photos from my recent trip to Guatemala and the hike up a huge volcano, click here:



Jason Hemsoth(non-registered)
Thank you so much Texalifornia and Sandra! It's been a fun journey and I am blessed!
Sandra Fouty(non-registered)
Congrats on the show! Your work is outstanding and your web site is gorgeous. It's a treat to see how you've grown as an artist since we worked together years ago. Best of luck to you.
It's more than just a talent or eye but a God-given gift you possess to capture and suspend a moment through your lens. May God continue to use this gift to tell other people's stories captured on film and print.
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